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Ballet Dancing And The Choreographer

The choreographer plays the most important role in putting together a new piece of work. The choreographer is one who comes up with ideas for ballet, creates stages, arranges for the design of costumes, and even is known for commissioning the music.

On some occasions, he will be responsible for arranging the stages, whether he is working on a ballet, a show for music or television. The choreographer’s job is very rewarding, and you don’t have to be an excellent dancer to be a great choreographer. 

Choreographers can expect to find all kinds of work. In the sixteenth century, the ballet master was the choreographer and often created the steps, but today the ballet master is the person who teaches the dancers in their daily classes and puts them on top for ballet dance roles.

The work of choreographers today involves the invention of various combinations, as well as organizing the work of their colleagues, designers, and lighting technicians. Ideally, he should be able to mix all of the above to create a successful production.

If a choreographer is asked to create a new version of existing work, he can rearrange and retain only a little of the original choreography. In a lot of great classics, this has been the case, and in some of them, for instance, The Nutcracker, much less than the original left.

The choreographer may also be asked to do original work for a company. He may already have some music to inspire him, or he may be given a piece. They may have to ask a musician to write a good piece for him to go along with the story.