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Camping Water Filters – Portable – Personal Protection!

The ideal camping water filter is, of course, a personal choice based on the type of camping activities that one pursues. Experience tells us that One size fits all is probably not going to be applicable when it comes to choosing a portable water filter for most outdoor enthusiasts.

You can also check various online sources to know more about the best portable water filters like CrazyCap 17 oz Bottle (Gen 2)- Onyx- best water filtration bottle.

Here are several criteria that are helpful when focusing on personal protection and portability. The idea here is that many of us like to get off the beaten paths for extended periods of time:


“User Friendly” is the operative phrase. Attachments like hoses and external plug-ins or pressure pumping systems require time and patience. Likewise gravity type water filters are time consuming.

A recent innovative approach to user friendly water filters are water bottles that have an internal filtration system. They are easier to use and compact.


In the outback, it would be reassuring to know that the Camping Water Filter purification system you carry will remove and/or dramatically reduce a vast array of health-threatening contaminants. Harmful microscopic pathogens like E-Coli should be reduced by 99.99999%.

The filtration system you choose should also remove Cryptosporidium, Giardia and other pathogenic bacteria. Additionally, the elimination or reduction list should include high percentages of Toxic chemicals, Heavy metals, Unpleasant taste and odors, cloudiness, silt, sediment and chlorine.