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Could The Bible Teachings Be Integrated With The Practical Life?

The Bible is one of the earliest books ever, in reality, it's the earliest book kept intact regardless of recent years.  The Bible is inspired by God and comprises all that's required to endure both the spiritual and material life.  You can get more information about the historical biblical timeline chart online at

We can demonstrate this in the contrast made between the creation of Christianity and the constitution of a major company and they've discovered many similarities.  This may give us a notion of how we could incorporate biblical teaching in our functional life.

Selecting The Head Quarters: Men and women in Jerusalem believed in God and this can be fertile ground for Christianity prospered so the very first lesson is to select the best location and time to begin your job, even in the event that you feel it is by far the most lucrative jobs and effective in the world, you want to begin at the ideal location and time.

Nephilim in the Bible - Olive Tree Blog

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Picking A Board Of Managers: Bible instructions don't miss this significant point.  Jesus chose twelve apostles to function as a board of directors to run the business while he was on the planet.  They did everything they needed to perform and put money into new branches, globally.  

Creating A New Branch: The Bible is quite clear about it.  Jesus told the apostles they needed to travel anywhere and preach the teachings of the Bible and establish new churches in each place they visit.   As you can see here the hierarchy is currently complete.  All of these are mentioned in the Bible and bile clear teachings on such points.