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Guideline for Hosting the Live Streaming Video

When a small business starts to watch the streaming video hosting for live events as a service there are several factors to consider in choosing the right provider, at the best price.

There are free services available online such as Livestream and U-stream, which offers a good free streaming live and archived content but does not guarantee the exclusive bandwidth across their networks. If you need to have a good online experience without lag or break the only answer is to turn to a dedicated service provider, but it will come at a cost.

First choose a video hosting provider that stream has a robust CDN, content distribution network. Look for hosting providers of live streaming technology that offers global availability across backbone fiber optic high speed with the peak load capacity of the handle and flash traffic.

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Deciding which platform, you want your feed to be displayed on, the most common being either Adobe Flash or Microsoft Windows Media Player. Your chosen supplier should be able to advise on what is the best player for their broadband networks.

Another important consideration is traffic. How many people will view your content? This is measured in bandwidth; the average small business would begin on a set of 5TB with scalability and video archive ability. This allows the content of the application to be viewed at any time, rather than as a live stream.