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When I was younger my mom used to hang the dead sea salt crystals from the bathroom ceiling fan to add to her homemade potpourri. The crystals became a kind of art piece as they were dancing and sparkling in the breeze. I still get a little thrill every time I see them. She loved them because they gave her a "high" to inhale the fragrant fragrance. I could have sworn that she was "on the mend" every time she would light up a scented candle or even a potpourri stick!

Today, however, bath salt is becoming a popular alternative medicine alternative to the often pricey and unsavory paraffin waxes, soy candles, and mineral oils that are often used in aromatherapy. Essential oils are the "essence" of any therapeutic oil or fragrance and are obtained from plants. Many of the essential oils used in aromatherapy are plant-based, including lavender, peppermint, eucalyptus, chamomile, marjoram, ylang, and many others.

Dead Sea salt and other similar salts have been scientifically proven to contain many essential nutrients which are beneficial to human health and well-being. As a result of their cleansing and detoxifying abilities, many people today use bath salt and other natural salts to help treat various conditions such as colds, headaches, arthritis, PMS, depression, anxiety, and other ailments. Many essential oils that are derived from plants are also shown to be extremely helpful when used as therapeutic massage aids. There are literally hundreds of different essential oils which can be used as massage oils and bath salt has become very popular for this use. As you will see from the list below, bath salt is now quite the rage!

If you want to take advantage of the healing and relaxing powers of essential oils and bath salt at the same time, you can create bath and body spa blends. Creating these blends usually takes some creative thinking and plenty of research, but it can be done. When creating these blends you must consider the specific benefits you want your new recipe to offer. You should not just make any old bath salt recipe and assume that it will work for everyone, you must pay attention to what is out there and specifically look for the ingredients that will provide the specific benefits that you are seeking.

For instance, there are many sea salt varieties on the market today. Most of these sea salts have been created by simply adding different amounts of magnesium, sodium, iron, and other minerals to regular table salt. Unfortunately, these types of bath salts often lack other minerals essential to our bodies. Thus some people have sought out other types of sea salts which have even more beneficial minerals to offer.

For instance, there is actually an entire line of dead sea salt, which is rich in sodium, which is very important to maintaining the health of our cardiovascular systems. However, there are also some salt varieties that have a higher concentration of potassium which is actually healthy for the skin. Potassium helps to keep the skin smooth, supple, and free of dryness. However, the best varieties have a combination of both sodium and potassium to help improve the skin's moisture content, prevent flaking, and retain the natural beauty of the skin. Other benefits from this mixture of minerals would be increased softness, fewer scars, fewer blemishes, smoother, healthier-looking skin, less itching, and healthier, glowing skin.

In order to use the right combination of sea salts in the right proportion to provide the specific benefits to each person, it is necessary to experiment and see what will work for each individual. Although it may take a few tries to find the right ratio that will provide the specific benefits, with the right salts it is possible to create a wide range of unique, beneficial bath salt recipes. This means that not only will you enjoy the therapeutic benefits, you can also enjoy the many other great benefits of the great ingredients. There are no more harsh chemical additives or toxins that can cause serious damage to the skin when using a bath salt recipe.

For example, sea salt has been shown to help lower blood pressure and lower stress. It also has healing properties. Most people don't think about the benefits of naturally created bath salt, but they definitely should consider making their own as part of a healthy lifestyle and environment. Your body needs the right nutrients to function properly and to stay healthy. Nature et Progr has done extensive testing to ensure that the highest quality and most absorbable salts available are used in Nature's Dead Sea salt products. If you choose to use these salts in your recipes, you can count on them to provide benefits that will be unique to your skin and provide a long-term healthy solution that is better for your body and better for the environment.