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Office Coffee Break For Employees

Blog Apr 7, 2020

Many companies provide coffee break facilities for their employees. Studies conducted on employee satisfaction shows that the companies that provide the coffee break room have happier employees, and companies that go a step further and provide free coffee level even higher.

By using a company that is an expert in providing coffee break services ( it is also known asบริการพักดื่มกาแฟ in the Thai language), load taken from the employees. Instead of having to designate individuals within the company to monitor the level of coffee and shop for supplies, their task can all be handed over to someone else.

Image Source: Google

Many companies that provide these services offer different levels of service. If a company wants a full service provided, including the provision of pots, coffee maker, and all related equipment, this can be easily done. 

Some companies also provide mobile coffee bar services for conferences, meetings, or other events. It allows employees who attended the group to still be able to take advantage of the coffee break though they may be far away from their normal work location.

Does your company need experts in monitoring the supply of coffee in the break room, or needs a complete set-up from the beginning, it is easy to find a coffee service company to take care of all your needs.

Coffee break today has come to mean more than the few minutes in which to drink black aromatic stimulant. It has become a time for socializing. It has evolved into a somewhat ritualized office get-together where people talk about other things besides work.