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Tag: crm reporting and analytics

What You Need To Know About CRM Software?

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) refers to the theory used by businesses to effectively manage customers, partners, suppliers, and other stakeholders.

CRM features

  • CRM consists of three main functions, namely Operational CRM, Joint CRM, and Analytical CRM.
  • Collaborative CRM is designed to communicate directly with customers without involving a sales or service representative.

  • Operational CRM provides full front office support for sales, marketing, and similar services.

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Customer communications are recorded and added to the customer contact history database and can be easily retrieved for future reference. The greatest benefit of maintaining this contact history is that customers can easily contact service personnel without having to repeat previous communications or information.

Direct interaction with CRM is for collaboration, including customer feedback and problem reports, if any. This interaction can take place through various channels such as email, telephone, SMS, etc. The main goal of shared CRM is to reduce company costs and improve the services provided.

CRM analysis finds many applications, such as. Decision management, prediction of future trends, analysis of customer behavior, planning and execution of marketing campaigns, and much more.

Operational CRM is critical to automating customer processes and supporting these services. It's not just technology; This is actually a step towards better and more efficient customer service.