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Tag: einzelcoaching stuttgart

Need to Know About Life Coach Programs

Here are some guidelines that you could take note of the coaching training:

1. Choose your coaching specialization – The first thing to do is choose your coaching specialization. Coaching has a wide range and various customers need a life coach for different reasons.

2. Make sure to assess your skills as a life coach – After deciding on your expertise, it would be better to start assessing your skills as life coach. Evaluate your overall qualifications and strengths will help you become a better coach of life. You can easily hire the Life Coach (It is also known as “life-coach beim” in the German language).

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3. Discover the step by step overview of how to proceed to a coaching session – You should not be intimidated to be new for the business. All you have to do is learn the step-by-step process of performing a coaching session. You can do it by asking a life coach or by consulting books on coaching. However, it is more advisable to talk to someone in the same company. You will surely get advice you need to start with this kind of business.

4. Finalize the price of your coaching services – Of course, you should also decide on the pricing system. If you work with business accounts, decide on your daily rates or probably hourly rates. You can also offer monthly coaching packages for other guests. You should decide this case according to your specialization.