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Tag: fire alarm system components

What Are The Differents Types Of Fire Alarm System Available In Market

Every home is at risk of fire, particularly in the kitchen. Many families now want fire alarms in their homes. They feel safer with fire alarms. Although alarms were once used only in commercial establishments they are now essential in every home.

There are three (3) types available in fire alarms: automatic, manual, and a combination manual/automatic. It is important to find more information about fire alarm components & their types.

fire alarm system components

Manual fire alarm systems allow the user to manually pull the trigger when they notice a fire in their home. This alarm is found in hallways with a manual lever, covered with glass with a sign to break in an emergency.

An Automatic Fire Alarms system warns a family of temperature changes or smoke alarms. Family members are usually notified by the alarm's loud, beeping sound. The alarms of high-end fire alarms are easily connected to the nearest fire station. The fire department will immediately be notified when the alarm sounds so firefighters can arrive sooner.

Many commercial establishments combine manual and automatic fire alarm systems. Because of the high cost of an automatic fire alarm system, some establishments combine both manual and automated systems. This alarm system is more common in large buildings than in homes.