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Tag: fluoride treatment for kids

Why Is Fluoride Important For Kids’ Teeth In Hawaii?

Our teeth's enamel, which is their outer layer, guards them from deterioration and cavities. Our drinking water and toothpaste both contain fluoride, which helps to fortify the enamel. During routine dental checkups, your dentist will administer a specific fluoride treatment to your teeth to assist in regenerating the enamel.

The frequency of fluoridation depends on the child's age and cavity risk. It often goes on the teeth as a foam or liquid and is available in a variety of kid-friendly flavors. Many top-rated dentists in Hawaii create remarkable changes in patient's lives through orthodontics

Once the tooth structure has developed, fluoride helps to strengthen it, increasing its resistance to decay. It has calcium and phosphate, which support the repair of any tooth enamel damage.

How can you determine if your child consumes enough fluoride? Most likely, their toothpaste and water supply provide enough fluoride. Since bottled water frequently has less fluoride than tap water, parents should refrain from giving their kids excessive amounts of it. Fluoride overdose can cause cavities.

After each meal, or at least twice a day, fluoride toothpaste should be used. This practice should include flossing and routine dental exams. Starting at age 1, children will begin to acquire healthy oral habits including routine brushing and flossing. Thus, they will be able to have healthy habits that last a lifetime.