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Tag: frozen tissue samples

How Are Human Tissue Samples Obtained?

There are a few different ways that human tissue samples can be obtained. One way is through a biopsy, which is when a small piece of tissue is removed from the body for analysis. This can be done through a needle biopsy, in which a needle is used to remove a small sample of tissue, or through an open biopsy, in which a small incision is made in the skin to remove a sample of tissue.

Another way to obtain human biological samples is through autopsy. This is when a detailed examination of the body is performed after death in order to determine the cause of death. During an autopsy, various tissues and organs are removed from the body and examined.

Lastly, human tissue samples can also be obtained from cadavers. This is when a body is donated to science for research purposes. Cadavers are often used for medical training and for studying the effects of diseases on the human body.

There are many reasons why you might want to get your hands on human tissue samples. Maybe you're a researcher who needs them for a study, or maybe you're just curious about what they can tell us about the human body. Whatever your reason, it's important to know where to get these samples and how to handle them properly. We hope this article has helped give you some insight into the world of human tissue samples and how to obtain them safely.



Storing and collecting freshly frozen networks is not an easy task. The collection and storage of tissue samples must meet the stringent industry standards of the Board. 

At Geneticist Inc, all frozen tissue samples are collected only by a certified medical pathologist and with approval from the Institutional Review Board (IRB).

Freshly frozen samples were taken from surgical specimens with the written consent of the patient. A lot of preparation is done to minimize network processing time. 

The following materials and equipment are required for collection and storage:


  • All samples must be stored in correct tubes that have a unique 10-digit barcode for traceability and quality.

  • Labels must be clear and have a laminated sheet.

  • Liquid nitrogen is required for rapid freezing.

  • Dry ice is required for transporting the collected samples and for storage.

For fresh division, samples are placed at -20 °C for easy cutting, or placed on a cutting bench. Once the pathologist is ready to examine the sample, they will examine the tissue to determine if it is suitable for banking.

Samples were rapidly frozen by immersion in liquid nitrogen. Frozen samples can never be thawed again after initial freezing. 

Freshly frozen samples include serum, plasma and tissue samples (both normal and tumor tissue).