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Tag: heartburn medicine lawsuit

Acid Reflux Rebound – How to Avoid it

There are a large number of people who suffer from reflux acid disease. If you are diagnosed with this serious condition, you might use a drug called a proton pump (PPI) inhibitor. These drugs are used to reduce or stop stomach acid production to prevent acid reflux into the esophagus. Although some people prefer to try the acid reflux diet as an alternative.

PPI work is very effective, and easy to use. After you start taking it, it's like a new lental rental as you can now eat and drink things in the past causing you a lot of great pain. But trying to stop taking it into a problem for many people. If you or a loved one suffered from cancer after taking medication for acid reflux or heartburn, then you can file heartburn Cancer Lawsuit.

Antacid Cancer

Even though PPI was originally given for a certain period of time, many patients finally took it for the rest of life there. Both patients and doctors take a way out easy and the people prescribe drugs on an ongoing basis. There has been no real research on the long-term effects of PPI drugs and the verdict still exits whether a person must bring it continuously.

On one side of acid reflux is a serious condition and medication remains in the bay. On the other hand, we effectively stop the production of gastric acid that is important for our digestion of food and important nutritional intake of our body's needs.