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Tag: Herbicides

An Informative Guide on Weed Killers

Herbicides, also known as weedkillers, are chemicals used to control noxious plants. Non-selective herbicides (also known as total weedkillers in commercial products) can be used to clear waste ground, industrial and construction sites, railways, and railway embankments because they kill all plant material with which they come into contact. You can also buy weed killers via

Historically, common salt and other metal salts were used as herbicides; however, these have gradually fallen out of favor, and a number of these are now banned in some countries due to their persistence in soil, as well as toxicity and groundwater contamination concerns. Weed killers have also been used in combat and warfare.

Modern herbicides are frequently synthetic mimics of natural plant hormones that inhibit plant growth. Herbicides intended for organic farming are now referred to as organic herbicides.

Some plants, such as the genus Juglans (walnuts) or the tree of heaven, produce their own natural herbicides; this action of natural weed killer, as well as other related chemical interactions, is known as allelopathy. 

Due to herbicide resistance, which is a major concern in agriculture, a number of products combine herbicides with various modes of action. Weed killers are used in conjunction with other pest control methods in integrated pest management.

Weed killers are also used in forestry, where certain formulations have been found to suppress hardwood varieties in favor of conifers after clearcutting, pasture systems, and wildlife habitat management.