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Tag: marijuana clones

Use Of Marijuana Clone Machines

A popular cannabis cloning method is to use the Aeropon cloning machine. The aeroponic branching machine is a cloning room that has a closed tank and immediately sprays the stem with a cloning solution.

Although every clone machine is slightly different, most rely on neoprene or a piece of plastic to hold the parts together and to "seal" the machine so that there is no water spray on it.

Cloning machines come in all sizes and shapes and are powered by a submersible water pump or an external pump.  To get marijuana clones you can also opt for Sacramento clones for sale at

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Although these machines differ in appearance, they are all based on the same concept: maximizing oxygen in the root zone. One of the main reasons this machine works so well is the perfect moisture ratio that surrounds the calf for slaughter.

Temperature can still affect the success of the cloning machine. Cloning motors are great for cooler locations, but in warmer conditions, the submersible pump can heat water from the area of interest.

A quick corrective solution is to connect a cyclic timer to the pump and let the pump sit for a few minutes and a few minutes. During the timer, the water will cool down during the shutdown cycle and retain less heat than a continuous running pump.

Many cloning machines work well with clean water, but cannabis growers who want to speed up the rooting process usually add hormones or solutions to the cloning machine's tank.