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Tag: olive oil

Good Health With Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Some fats aren't harmful to your health. However, an eating plan that is rich in unsaturated fats, like those found in oils of olives, extra-virgin can help prevent heart disease and certain types of cancer. You can also buy best extra virgin olive oil via various sources.

Where is olive oil sourced?

The olive fruit releases an oily liquid when it is squeezed when it reaches maturity. It is a mixture of different kinds of fatty acids, including:

* Oleic acid fatty acid

* Palmitic acid

*Linoleic acid, and

* Linolenic acid

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This magical oil has large amounts of oleic acid which is a potent antioxidant known to reduce the chances of developing coronary heart diseases, protect cell damage, ease hunger cravings, and help prevent the development of diabetes.

How can the finest extra-virgin olive oil be produced?

The olives first appear as green, round fruit that thrives in regions that have dry winters and warm summers like those in the Mediterranean regions in Spain, Italy, and Greece as well as the southern regions of Australia. 

The fruits begin to mature and become black by the closing of summer and when the autumn season begins.

Squeeze test and selection

The olive fruit is harvested with care, picking only the mature ones that readily release the liquid when squeezed on the tips of the stem. 

A further maturity check is conducted to determine if the fruit is able to be bent and cut into two pieces using a stone effect. This takes more skill but is vital to obtain the highest quality table olives and oils.