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Tag: online payment

Difference Between Merchant Account and Payment Gateway

A merchant account is a merchant bank account that allows credit or debit card payments to consumers. A payment gateway, on the other hand, is not a bank account, but only functions as a terminal for checking and authorizing credit card transactions. You can also now easily get to learn about cbd oil merchant account if you want to start a business by clicking at-

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Merchant Account Vs. Payment Gateway - What is the Difference? - Business Insights

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Trading accounts and payment portals are sometimes seen as a single entity for handling financial transactions. In fact, despite partnering in online businesses and financial transactions, they are very different from one another.

What is a merchant account?

It is a type of bank account that allows credit or debit card payments for goods or services offered by a company. It manages almost all financial transactions in your company, eg. B. Payment.

Many choose a merchant account because it offers great benefits to both merchants and consumers. For buyers, this saves time and the trouble of paying only cash. 

They can also buy expensive products in stores without worrying about having large amounts of money in their wallets. For sellers, this means they don't have to keep sorting all the cash and checks at their store because everything is done electronically.

What is a payment gateway:- The payment gateway is not a bank account, but serves as an authorization and verification point on behalf of the seller. This is the average boundary between a retailer's online store and financial transactions between a consumer's credit or debit card and the retailer's merchant account.