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Tag: real estate companies

Guide To Property Management Services

A company that provides property management services will take care of all your rental property. They will protect your real estate investment; it does not matter whether you have a multi-family, residential or commercial property. The services they offer are extensive and include:

• Property evaluation

Property management suppliers will collect information about their clients' real estate. A qualified staff member will check the building (s) so that a proper evaluation can be made.

• Maintenance

A property management company is responsible for landscape maintenance and real estate clients. They will also deal with outside contractors for repairs and maintenance. Work should be completed after they have obtained permission from the owner.

• Residential Manager

Some buildings may require a housing manager to oversee the day-to-day activities. A specialist in property management will train these employees so that they know exactly what the company's services, as well and the owner expects.

• Jobs

A team of experts will prepare a rental unit, advertise vacancies, and screen potential tenants. Rental units and homes should be ready within 5 days, except major damage to be repaired. Preparing the unit include rekeying or changing locks, call a carpet cleaning company, repair set, etc.

• Rent collection

A real estate management company will collect monthly rent. The money collected should be deposited in a designated trust fund.

• Monthly report

A property management company that is reliable will send monthly reports to their clients. A detailed report should include the fee is paid, the amount of deposit and other money transactions.