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Tag: Shooting Glasses

Choose The Right Pair of Shooting Glasses in Illinois

Shooting glasses come in many different styles and types, so it's important to choose the right pair for your needs. Here are some tips to help you choose the right pair of shooting glasses: 

1. Consider your viewing angle. If you mainly shoot from a seated or standing position, consider buying a pair of sunglasses with a large viewing angle. If you tend to move around a lot while shooting, purchase a pair of tac shooting glasses with non-magnifying lenses that can adjust to your changing perspective.

2. Consider how you'll be using the glasses. If you're mainly shooting photos or videos, wearing shooting glasses that block out blue light are best. If you're primarily targeting close-range targets, wearing shooting glasses that block out green and yellow light will help improve your accuracy.

3.Consider your budget and needs. Some pairs of shooting glasses come with built-in magnification, while others require an additional accessory like an eyepiece Magnifier to be used. Cost also plays a role in deciding which pair of shooting glasses to buy – some less expensive pairs may not offer the same level of protection as more expensive pairs.

There are a few different types that you may want to consider:

The first type is the optical style. This style uses lenses that help you see clearly in low-light situations. The downside to optical style shooting glasses is that they can be cumbersome and difficult to wear. The second type of shooting glasses is the ballistic style. These glasses use special materials and construction to help deflect bullets.