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Onboarding is a systematic and comprehensive approach to integrating new employees into a company or department and culture. and gain new mindsets about the tools and information they need to be productive and contribute to people in the organization. You can click on this link for employee onboarding. 

An entertaining, thoughtful, and engaging process of inclusion has a much stronger effect on employee commitment and thus maintains a one-day "orientation" mentality compared to the old school mentality. 

The Corporate Leadership Human Resources Board found that increasing employee engagement has the potential to increase performance by up to 20 percent and reduce the likelihood of an employee leaving by 87 percent!

If you are one of the many organizations still attending to new rental lists and orientation days with endless documents and videos, fear not! Developing a program to integrate with your business may seem like a daunting task, but it is not required.

There are many embedded software solutions that companies can use to automate the formal embedding process for employees quickly and easily even before day one to make the embedding process more efficient. 

The internal process aims to help new employees feel valued as part of the workforce and accelerate them in terms of job requirements so they can start production quickly.