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Where Is the Cement Industry in India Heading Exactly?

India is second in the world cement production. The cement industry in India then naturally became the main aspect of the Indian economy, because it employs more than one million people. Indian cement industry attracts a massive investment in India and also from other countries, after 1982 when it was deregulated.

The cement sector tends to benefit in a great way of the great potential of India in the construction and overall infrastructure development. Get more detail online about  the best cement in india at , where  develop nearly 100 smart cities would have been proven to be a big boost for this sector.

Prism cement

Market demand

In India, cement demand is expected to increase due to government encouragement for large infrastructure projects, which leads to 45 million tons of cement needed in the next three to four years.

In 2025, demand for cement in India was estimated at almost 600 million tons per year. The housing sector, among all, encourages the highest demand for cement in India, because it takes 67% of total consumption. The rest of the cement is almost equally consumed by commercial and industrial construction, and infrastructure.

In addition, the cement industry in India is expected to attract a large number of foreign cement production companies. The main Lure for foreign players is a constant demand for cement and extraordinary profit margins brought by the cement business.