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The Complete Guide To Using Marble Chip Repair Kits

Marble chips are common on granite, marble, and travertine because the stone is often susceptible to damage from various things like acid spills or excessive use of floor polishes. If you want your exquisite marble floors to look like new again, there's a product for that!

Types of Marble Chips

There are three types of marble chips: surface, sub-surface, and deep. Surface chips are the most common type of chip and occur when the top layer of marble is damaged. 

Surface chips can be repaired with a marble chip repair kit. Sub-surface and deep chips require a more intensive repair process and cannot be repaired with a kit.

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Why Repair Your Marble Chip?

If you have a marble countertop, floor, or another surface in your home, chances are good that at some point you'll need to repair a chip. Whether it's from an errant dish or a slip of the knife, repairing a chip in marble is surprisingly easy to do with a marble chip repair kit.

Not only is repairing your marble cheaper than hiring a professional but it can also be done in just a few minutes. Plus, it's a satisfying project that will leave your surfaces looking as good as new.

So why bother repairing your marble chips? Here are good reasons:

1. To Prevent Further Damage

2. To Maintain Your Home's Value

How to Repair Your Marble Chip

  • Luckily, there are repair kits available that can help you fix your marble countertop and make it look as good as new. 
  • The first step is to clean the area around the chip or crack.
  • After the resin has been applied, you'll need to place the included chip into the crater created by the crack. 
  • Finally, allow the repair kit to dry completely before using your countertop again.

With a little bit of time and effort, you can easily repair your marble countertop and make it look as good as new!