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Create the Ultimate Washer Game Board for Outdoor Entertainment

Washer game, also known as washer pitching, is a game that has been around for centuries. It is a game that is easy to set up, fun to play, and can be enjoyed by all ages. It is a great game for outdoor entertainment and a great way to spend time with family and friends. The goal of the game is to toss metal washers into a target board from a predetermined distance. 

Materials Needed:

Creating the ultimate washer game board for outdoor entertainment requires some basic materials. These include two washer boxes, four washers, two stakes, some rope, and a target board. The washer boxes should be able to hold four washers each and should be made of durable material. The stakes should be long enough to hold up the target board. If you want to purchase a washer game board you may consider WashersGame.

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Steps to Create the Ultimate Washer Game Board:

1. Place the two washer boxes at least 10 feet apart. Secure them in place with the rope.

2. Place the two stakes into the ground at least 10 feet away from each washer box.

3. Secure the target board to the stakes.

4. Place four washers in each washer box.

5. Mark a designated pitching area for each player.

Rules of the Game:

The rules of the game are simple. Each player takes turns pitching their washers at the target board from the designated pitching area. The player who gets the most washers in the target board wins the game.