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Exploring The Different Types Of Fiber Optic Distribution Hubs

Fiber optic distribution hubs are used to connect multiple fiber optic cables, creating a single network. These hubs can be used in a variety of settings, such as in telecommunications, broadcasting, and computer networks. There are several different types of distribution hubs available for use, each with its own unique set of features and benefits. 

Active hubs are the most commonly used type of distribution hub. These hubs are powered, allowing them to convert the optical signal from one fiber cable to another. This allows them to be used in applications where fiber cables must be connected to multiple devices. You can check this out  if you are looking for a fiber-optic distribution hub. 


Passive hubs are another type of distribution hub. These hubs are not powered, so they are unable to convert the optical signal from one cable to another. However, they can be used to join multiple fiber cables together, allowing them to form a single network. 

Finally, switch-based hubs are a type of fiber optic distribution hub that is specifically designed for use in telecommunications networks. These hubs can be used to connect multiple fiber cables, allowing them to form a single network.

These hubs can also be used to route the signal from one fiber cable to another, allowing them to be used in applications where multiple devices need to be connected to the same fiber optic cable.