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Rules To Smart Business Card Etiquette

Have you ever been to a meeting where someone walked around the room throwing their card to everyone as if they were offering a deck of cards? Have you ever wondered what to do with a card that you really don't want to keep? So when is the right time to offer your card?

To understand this, read the following business card etiquette rules:

  • Don't give him dirty or broken cards.
  • Present your card with the print facing up.

To know more about smart business card, you may visit

  • Treat cards with respect: After receiving a card, take the time to look at it and show interest; which in turn will make the person who has your card treat it with respect.

  • Show respect for those of higher rank or position by waiting until he asks for your card or a third party has presented it. To make an excellent impression on the other person, you can use the Gold business card.
  • Do not put the card in a back pocket; wallet or purse is considered rude and shows a lack of tag. Put the card in a planner, notebook, or cardholder.

If you give cards to one person in a group, give cards to everyone; don't make someone feel left out or inferior.