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Tips For Keeping Your Rug Looking New

If you have ever considered rug cleaning, but were intimidated by the prospect, you are not alone. Many people think of rug cleaning as a difficult and time-consuming task that is not worth the effort. The truth is that rug cleaning can be done easily and quickly with the right tools and techniques. If you want to know more about apartment rug cleaning you can reach out to beachy carpet.

Here are some steps to consider:

1. Vacuum regularly: A vacuum will help remove dust, hair, and other dirt from the Rug. Be sure to vacuum along the edges of the rug as this area tends to accumulate more dust and debris.

2. Protect against spills: keep your rug clean by avoiding spills and messes. Place a mat or towel on the floor before sitting down so that any coffee or tea that falls won’t leave a mess on the rug. And when entertaining, be sure to use a coaster rather than placing food directly on the rug.

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3. Rotate furniture: Keep furniture items, like chairs and tables, at least six feet away from the rug to avoid rubbing and scratches. Also, rotate them monthly so that they don’t wear down the fibers of the rug over time!

4. Maintain humidity levels: Rugs are made of wool and other materials which can deteriorate in high humidity areas like kitchens or bathrooms. To avoid this, open windows during peak hours or place a dehumidifier in these areas if necessary. 

5. Spot clean accidents: If an accident occurs and spills onto your rug, use a mild shampoo and water to clean it up. Be sure to blot the area dry before returning the rug to its original condition. 

With these simple steps, you’ll be on your way to keeping your rug looking new for years to come!