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Reasons To Buy HP Reverb G2

The HP Reverb G2 was launched by computer manufacturer HP and is expected to be delivered by VR Expert at the end of October. 

Things have been rocky since the launch, with expectations so high. So what makes the HP Reverb G2 worth buying? You can find affordable HP Reverb G2 lens via

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What is the resolution of the HP Reverb G2?

The HP Reverb G2, whose lenses were developed by game developer Valve, has a resolution of 2160 x 2160 pixels per eye, making the headset about twice as sharp as the VR headset Oculus Rift S. 

Which content platforms does the Reverb G2 support?

In addition to the high screen resolution, the VR headset also has the advantage that it supports two types of content platforms: the Windows Mixed Reality platform and the Steam VR. 

This makes a large amount of content available. A content platform is a digital gathering place where content is produced, distributed, managed, and analyzed. 

Spatial audio on the new Reverb

Another advantage of the Reverb G2 is the fact that the VR headset’s headphones support spatial audio. 

This means that the sound follows the movements of a person’s head so that the sound quality remains optimal. 

What is the price of the HP Reverb G2?

The price of the HP Reverb G2 excluding VAT. This makes it the cheapest PC VR headset on the market. 

In conclusion, the high resolution of the screen, sound quality, and low price make the Reverb G2 a particularly good product in the PC VR market.