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Tag: bubble hockey table

Tips To Buy Bubble Hockey Tables

Bubble hockey has been played in homes and pool halls for centuries. This beloved game brings together families and friends and gives everyone including kids a chance to enjoy camaraderie and fun. So, whether you’re in the market for a full-sized game table or one small enough to fit on a tabletop, one of these highly-rated options is sure to be perfect for your game room. You can easily find bubble hockey tables for sale via

Game tables come in a range of sizes, prices, and materials suitable for anyone from an apartment dweller to the player with room to indulge in a tournament-level set. Tables measure anywhere from seven feet to nine feet, but eight feet is the most common home-sized table. You can also get smaller tables, all the way down to tabletop-sized.

Solid wood tables and slate playing surfaces offer the premium in play and durability, but they’re also the priciest and heaviest. So, manufacturers also make options with high-quality manufactured wood and metal frames, as well as MDF or plywood playing surfaces.

Ensure balls roll true with a level table topped with wool or polyester felt. Many tables have built-in levelers. Before you buy a full-sized pool table, measure the room where it will go.