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Tag: chin surgery

Mentoplasty An Overview of the Procedure

Mentoplasty, also known as chin augmentation, is a surgical procedure that is used to reshape the chin by augmenting it with an implant. It is a cosmetic procedure that helps people achieve the desired chin shape and size. 

The procedure is performed to improve the appearance of the chin and enhance facial aesthetics. Mentoplasty is a surgical procedure that is used to reshape the chin. It is a cosmetic procedure that helps patients to improve the shape and size of their chin.   

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The procedure involves the insertion of an implant into the chin which is made of silicone or other materials. The implant can be placed either above or below the chin bone. The implant is usually placed in a pocket that is created by the surgeon.

Who Can Benefit from Mentoplasty?

Mentoplasty can help people who are unhappy with the shape or size of their chin. People who have a small or receding chin, or an asymmetrical chin can benefit from this procedure. It can also be used to improve the appearance of the jawline.

Benefits of Mentoplasty

Mentoplasty can help to improve the facial aesthetics of an individual. It can help to enhance the appearance of the chin, jawline, and facial proportions. It can also help to improve the self-confidence of an individual.


Recovery from mentoplasty usually takes about two to three weeks. During this time, patients should take time off from work and other activities. Patients should also avoid any strenuous activities such as lifting, or any activity that puts a strain on the neck or chin area.


Mentoplasty is a safe and effective procedure that can help people to improve the shape and size of their chin. It can help to improve facial aesthetics and enhance self-confidence. It is important to talk to your doctor about the potential risks and complications before undergoing the procedure.