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Tag: copper cookware

The Benefits of Cooking With Copper Cookware

Once you cook with copper cookware for the first time, you are not likely to go back to anything else. No wonder why all great chefs have a few pieces of copper cookware in their collection. There are many benefits to cooking with copper. The first is that copper is an amazing conductor of heat.

For anyone who has ever cooked with copper, they know that you turn the stove higher than a medium-low to get very high heat. Which makes copper great for all your frying needs. Copper cookware will remain the most environmentally friendly for more reasons than one.

First, copper is a natural product already. It takes just a little heat to turn a copper in its original state into a pan. Second, you will use a lot less energy to cook with copper cookware. For recipes that used to require your stove to be on a medium-high, now will need your stove to be on medium-low or low.

For anyone who cooks a lot, it can be a huge reduction in your electric bill. The only kind of cookware that is close to having equivalent heat conduction of copper is cast iron cookware.  One problem I always had with the cast iron is maintenance. Washing the dishes is already a lot of work, the last thing I want to add is routine maintenance to my pots and pans. Which brings us to the argument of tin vs stainless steel. Most copper pots come with a coating. 

Before buying a set of copper cookware, here's what I would think about. If you are reading this article you may be new to cooking with copper. Go ahead and buy one or two pieces of copper, to begin with. A medium-sized saucepan and a frying pan is a good way to start a collection. Once you get used to cooking with copper, you can step onto the set if you want.