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Tag: cosmetic dentistry Townsville

How To Prepare For Your Cosmetic Dentistry Procedure?

Cosmetic dentistry is a branch of dentistry that focuses on improving the appearance of the teeth, mouth, and smile. It includes a variety of treatments such as tooth whitening, veneers, crowns, bridges, and implants.

Here are some tips:

1.Schedule a Consultation: Before you begin any cosmetic odontology in Townsville, it's important to schedule a consultation with your dentist. During this appointment, your dentist will be able to examine your teeth and assess which procedure is right for you. They can also discuss any risks, and costs, and answer any questions you may have.

2.Get Your Teeth Cleaned: Before your procedure, it's important to get your teeth cleaned. This will help remove any plaque or tartar buildup that could affect the outcome of your procedure.

3.Quit Smoking: Smoking can interfere with the healing process of your procedure. If you're a smoker, it's important to quit for at least two weeks prior to your procedure.

4.Stay Hydrated: It's important to drink plenty of water before and after your procedure. Staying hydrated can help reduce swelling and help your body heal.

5.Follow Instructions: Your dentist will provide you with specific instructions on how to prepare for your procedure. It's important to follow these instructions closely in order to ensure the best results.