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Tag: fly anxiety

Ways To Overcome Your Fear Of Flying

Many people will not fly because they have a fear of flying. They may have experienced an air crash before, they might be scared that the plane will crash or they might be afraid of heights. Whatever your fear is, there are some things you can do to learn to overcome it and start flying again if you are scared of flying.

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What is the fear of flying?

If you're one of the many people who experience anxiety or even panic when it comes to flying, you're not alone. The fear of flying, also known as aerophobia, is a very common phobia that can have a major impact on your life.

Types of fear of flying

There are two types of fear of flying – aviophobia, and aerophobia.

  • Aviophobia is the fear of being on an aircraft, while aerophobia is the fear of flying itself.
  • Aerophobia, on the other hand, is less common and is typically caused by a specific event or trauma related to flying.

Fortunately, there are ways to overcome both types of fear of flying. With some effort and commitment, you can learn to manage your anxiety and fly without any problems.

Here are some of the most common causes of fear of flying:

– Fear of heights

– Fear of enclosed spaces

– Fear of turbulence

– Fear of crashing

How to overcome your fear of flying

1. Educate yourself about flying. 

2. Talk to someone who has experience with flying. 

3. Create a positive association with flying. 

4. Visualize a successful flight.

5. Breathe deeply and stay present in the moment. 


We hope that our tips have helped you overcome your fear of flying. Remember, millions of people fly every day and it is one of the safest forms of transportation. 

Flight Anxiety: How To Conquer It And Enjoy Flights

Flight anxiety is an intense fear of flying that can cause many people to avoid flights. What are the causes of this fear? How can it be overcome? These are just some of the questions that we answered in our article today. You can navigate this site if you have any other questions about flight anxiety, feel free to ask them in the comments section!

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Why is flight anxiety a problem?

  • The first is that the anticipation of flying can be quite scary. 
  • The second reason is that planes are very large and unfamiliar territory. 
  • Finally, many people with flight anxiety are afraid of flying alone.

What can I do to conquer my flight anxiety?

  • There are many things that you can do to conquer your flight anxiety. Some people find that certain activities, like reading or listening to music, help them relax. 
  • Others find that taking a few deep breaths before takeoff works well for them. 
  • And still, others swear by medication as the best way to reduce their anxiety. 
  • Whatever works for you is what you should try. 

However, some general tips will help you ease into flights and make them more enjoyable:

1) Make a plan. 

2) Get plenty of rest and hydrate properly.

3) Avoid caffeine and alcohol if possible. 

4) Establish ground rules with your travel companions/family members/friends about how they will handle your anxiety while traveling together (if applicable). 

Meditations for taking a break from worry

  • If you've been struggling with anxiety around flying, it's time to try some new techniques. Calming meditations can help take the focus off of your worries and put you in a more relaxed state. 
  • Some people find relief from guided imagery or mindfulness meditation, while others prefer deep breathing exercises or Relaxation Response Techniques (RET). 
  • Try out a few different meditation techniques until you find something that works for you. Once you're comfortable with them, make sure to practice regularly.