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Tag: functional testing services

Understanding Functional Medicine Testing In UK

Functional medicine testing is an evidence-based approach to healthcare that focuses on the root cause of diseases and illnesses. It looks beyond traditional diagnostics and instead looks to identify imbalances in the body that may be causing the disease or condition.

Functional medicine testing at combines the latest scientific research with the best medical practices in order to create individualized care plans that address the underlying causes of disease. 

This type of testing is a personalized approach to healthcare that seeks to identify what is actually causing a person's health issues. It takes into consideration a person's unique lifestyle, environment, genetics, and diet.

The goal is to find the root cause of a problem and create a plan of action that will help the person achieve optimal health. The approach often involves a combination of traditional and alternative treatments.

Functional medicine testing focuses on the body's systems, such as the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. It looks at how these systems interact and how they are affected by lifestyle choices and environmental factors. Testing typically includes laboratory tests, such as blood and urine tests, as well as imaging tests, such as CT scans and MRIs.

Functional medicine testing goes beyond traditional diagnostics to identify and address the underlying causes of disease. It is an individualized, comprehensive approach to healthcare that seeks to restore balance to the body, mind, and spirit. With this approach, patients can experience improved energy, greater mental clarity, and better overall health.