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Tag: gaslighting support group

How To Stop Gaslighting In Relationships

Gaslighting is a term used to describe the act of manipulating someone into questioning their own reality by psychological means. It can be used in relationships, friendships, and professional settings, with varying levels of success.

Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse in which one person manipulates another into questioning their own sanity. The perpetrator sets up rules and expectations, and then when the victim breaks those rules or fails to meet expectations, the perpetrator accuses them of being crazy or delusional. You can get more info. about signs of manipulating at various online sources.

Signs of gaslighting and the signs to watch for

If you are ever feeling like you are in a dangerous or abusive relationship, it is important to seek help. There are many warning signs that can help you identify if you are being gaslighted, and there are also some things you can do to try to stop the gaslighting. Here are some of the most common signs of gaslighting: 

1. The person in your relationship starts to change the way they talk to you, often making you feel like you are crazy or wrong.

2. They start to make up stories about what you have said or done, or start to accuse you of being dishonest or lying.

3. They make it seem like everything that is happening is your fault, using tactics like guilt-tripping or making you feel like you are not good enough.

4. They refuse to let you see any evidence or facts that don't support their version of events, making it difficult for you to know what is really going on.

5. They make it seem like your feelings don't matter, and that they can do whatever they want without consequences.