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Tag: melasma treatment

A Detailed Overview Of Vitiligo Causes

Vitiligo is a condition that doesn't have a specific cause. There are numerous Vitiligo reasons that could cause Vitiligo. These Vitiligo causes are not medically confirmed, but certain of them are believed to be highly conclusive.

One of the causes is Autoimmunity. It refers to a condition that occurs when a person's immune system becomes hostile to them and starts attacking other cells in the body, such as Melanocytes. One can get more insights about vitiligo treatment via

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Melanocytes are melanin-producing cells that give the skin its color. When these cells are damaged by the virus, they stop producing the pigment that creates the body's color. Thin white patches begin to appear on the body, focusing on the hands and face.

The third cause, which is widely considered is Genetic. Vitiligo is one of these conditions that is thought to be hereditary in nature. If any of your ancestors suffered from Vitiligo then you are also in danger of being affected.

Apart from these Vitiligo causes, there are different causes believed to be responsible for Vitiligo. But all of them are just speculation and have not been proven scientifically. For instance, it's thought that your lifestyle can contribute to Vitiligo.

These conditions aren't something you control, there is nothing you can do to stop these causes. The only thing that you have to do is attempt to improve your Vitiligo to a manageable level. 

An Overview of Melasma Laser Therapy in Charlotte

Melasma results in a disruption of the homeostatic mechanism that controls skin pigmentation. Excess pigmentation is also produced. While traditional treatment options with chemical peels and topical medication are still popular, patients increasingly seek out laser as an alternative melasma treatment in Charlotte, NC to these methods.

There are many types of light therapy and lasers that can be used to treat melasma. The most commonly used lasers and light therapies are intense pulsed light, Q-switched low fluence lasers, and fractionated non-ablative lasers. Although they all seem to be effective, there is a high rate of recurrence over time.

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Some techniques can also increase the risk of hypopigmentation or postinflammatory hypersensitivity. Although the frequency and number of treatments vary by device type, Q-switched Lasers require the most treatment applications to achieve a benefit. Vascular-specific lasers are not effective in treating melasma.

You should use ablative fractionated lasers with caution as they can cause postinflammatory hypo- or hyperpigmentation. Nonablative fractionated lasers may have a slightly longer remission time than other options. Future treatments for melasma include picosecond lasers and fractional radiofrequency.

Laser and light therapy are alternative third-line treatments for melasma. They may be beneficial to patients who have melasma that has not responded to topical or chemical therapy, or when the patient desires to see a faster pace of improvement.